Learning VBA during the Winter Break


I was thinking it may be a good idea to have a group of people not familiar with VBA to learn it during the break. I am not familiar with it so I do not know whether this can be learned in 1 month (I realize some learning would take place) etc. Does anyone have book recommendations etc? Is anyone in the program familiar with it and would be willing to run a Master Class (for $?)
The easiest way to learn is by recording actions then looking at the code. This is probably how 90% of VBA scripts start out. Then you have to alter the code to make it more flexible. I'd get a big VBA reference and use the Internet to find solutions to various problems.
woody said:
I'd get a big VBA reference

huh. Kind of lost me on that one. First of all, what is VBA is it embedded in EXCEL or a separate thing that needs to be d/l and installed. What big VBA reference? Does anyone have some suggestions?
In Excel, you can record 'macros' which are VBA. Look in the menu Tools > Macro >

There are options for 'Macros' and 'VBEditor' and 'record macro.' I could show you how to record and edit a VBA macro in Excel, but it's a little hard to explain in the forum.
If you guys are good for me teaching the course please let me know the following:

1. How many people is going to attend?
2. What is their experience with Excel?
3. Can we have hold it in the Lab?
4. Can we do it before Christmas? I have a trip plan for Hong Kong on the 26th of December.


1) At least a dozen from what I can see. Maybe more.
2) I know Excel but like to learn more advanced techniques and getting VBA to work with it.
3) Yes and No. It depends on when you plan to teach. If it's weekend, then you should have total access to the lab. If not, any classroom will do. we have projector in every classroom and each student will bring his laptop.
4) The weekend right after the last final should be perfect. The last final should be finished by Dec 22.

Thanks very much, Phat. This means a lot to all of us.
The 23rd is fine with me or some time earlier. Is the school open on that day? I should be ready by Sunday of this week. I will just write up some notes and an example spreadsheet. I will post up my notes and you can guys can look it over. How long should I plan my material for? 2 hours? Or more?
Any day of that week is good for me except Thursday Dec 21st.
Phat Loc said:
The 23rd is fine with me or some time earlier. Is the school open on that day? I should be ready by Sunday of this week. I will just write up some notes and an example spreadsheet. I will post up my notes and you can guys can look it over. How long should I plan my material for? 2 hours? Or more?

2 hours would be optimal. This way, if there is more demand after the 2 hours, feedback can made available for optimizing the next session.
23rd is fine for me. The only concern is whether school open or not. Phat, what kind of material we need to go through first before the workshop ?
The campus is closed on 12/24 - 12/25. It does not say anything about 12/23. Double check with Cathy to see if it is open or not.

Two years ago, Phat did a presentation on Excel VBA. It was wonderful. From that presentation, I grasped the essence of Excel VBA, and was able to code a great # of programs. In particular, I was able to do Professor Raynes' program. I was thinking of doing one such event for QuantNetwork for the Fall 2006 term, but we had so many events that I decided not to do it.

I will write up some notes and post it up hopefully this week end. Should be fairly simple. I don't think you need to prepare beforehand.
Phat Loc said:
I will write up some notes and post it up hopefully this week end.
Thanks for your time, Phat.

The last final for us is Tue, Dec 19 for 9831 class so if you can only do weekend then it's gonna be Sat 23. If you can do evening (say 6-8pm) after work then you can pick any date between 19-23 at your convinience. We will reschedule ours around yours, Phat.

Just to make this official, we should sign up here for the VBA workshop so Phat can have an exact headcount. Add the next number in front of your name. Thanks.

1) Andy
I thought I was gonna miss out on this since I'm leaving for winter break;
turned out Phat and I have the same departure date. So guess I'm in too.
5) Eddie
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