Learning VBA during the Winter Break

Just a suggestion. Friday Dec 22 is right b4 Christmas so the people working will probably be able to leave earlier (3-4pm). This might be ideal?
RussianMike said:
Just a suggestion. Friday Dec 22 is right b4 Christmas so the people working will probably be able to leave earlier (3-4pm). This might be ideal?

It is also the day some of us will be leaving to visit family out of town.

If it's Tues, Wed, or Thurs I'd like to join. I know enough VBA to get done what I need, but would probably benefit from learning some more.
I am going to write up some material this weekend. Most probably it will be on a week night. I will talk to Dan regarding when.
January is looking to me to be a better time to do this VBA workshop. It will probably be around 4 hours for it to be useful. I want to cover the basics to the more advanced topic of writing an addin in C++ or .Net. What is your schedules for next semester? I want to do it before the classes start. Please let me know if this works for you all. I will be back from Hong Kong on the 8th.
We have a refresher the last week of January I believe. Some people may be away on vacations etc. For me it works, actually
Phat, is Dec. 23 the final time for the VBA workshop? Can you list your other possible time ? I think many of us really want to take it..but may not follow the schedule.
Hi All,

Lets do it on the 23rd of Dec. I want to do it early in the day. Please let me know what time works for everyone. If you can't make it on the 23rd that won't be a problem. Part of making an infrastructure that can be extended and reused by students will require me to see more of you guys. Therefore I will be giving workshops in January when I come back. So if you can't make the 23rd it is no big deal since what you miss I will cover more in depth in January. I also plan to audit Dan's PDE course next semester.

Can some one arrange for the room and time on the 23rd? Thank you!

Best Regards,

Attached are the notes and codes for the workshop. I will be available the weekend of 16th and 17th and all day Friday the 22 (got this one off) and 23rd the Saturday.

Please let me know where and what day you would like to do this workshop.


Some of us may have the 9821 exam over that weekend. I'm not sure if I will be able to make it but I hope I will be able to. I'm not sure about other people
If it works better for this to be done in January that can be done too. Please decide amongst your classmates as to when the best time is. I am flexible. :)
I rather do it in January since I will be taking the 9821 final that weekend. Thanks Phat!!!
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