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Let's talk about JHU's MFM Program

I hope anyone with any information about this program could come here to say something you know about this brand new one. the following are the things I know:

This program ( http://www.ams.jhu.edu/financial math/home.html )are quite small like many other brand new counterparts, it was started in 2008 and the length of the program is one and a half year, the 2008 has 7 students and 2009 has 10, for 2010, they plan to admit 15 students.

the statistics for the first batch graduates are given by the following link (not positive)
http://www.ams.jhu.edu/financial math/news.html

the mathematics ranking of JHU in US is 20+, however, I heared that this is the ranking of their pure mathematics, however finmath are set under applied math.
in addition, this program is under the Whiting School of Engineering, how's school regarded for engneering in US?

Besides, how is the Carrey Business School regarded in Finance? I heared that the VP of T.Rowe Price DAVID AUDLEY taught the MFM the courses regarding finance, and a Prinstion PHD professor taught the courses stochastic and Investment science.
the mathematics ranking of JHU in US is 20+

This is virtually irrelevant. Do not use the ranking of the math department for your decision on whether to accept or reject their MFE program.