Looking for advice on what to work on for MFE spring 2024

Good afternoon,

I am looking to get advice on my chances to get accepted into a top MFE school as well as any skills I might need to improve. Here is my background:

US Navy 2001-2007: Hardware Technical type work, similar to what an Electrical Technician may perform
2007-2018: Systems Engineer
2018-2021: DevOps Engineer (scripting, programming work in python)

I started a Trading business in 2015 running stocks and options. I use Amibroker as my analysis tool and programming and Norgate as my Database.

I have about 60 credits in Electrical Engineering from Northern VA community college
40 Credits in Finance from George Mason University
Computer Science Degree with a minor in small business Administration from University of Maryland Global Campus: 3.92 GPA

I plan on taking the CQF in June 2023 which should help some of my math skills and get me familiar with the Quantitative concepts.

I see right now that I need to work on Math and Statistics since CS is not very heavy on those things.

If you get the CQF, you don't need an MFE. If you have a trading business... you don't need an MFE. Your ability to trade might be able to get you a "front office" quant job, with some prep. How much? Well, not 1 years worth. If you could read/implement Patrick Boyle's book, Steven Shreve's book(s) or a Quant Finance for Python book (such as by Chris Kelliher) and survive, then you'd be better off using your implementations as a portfolio, and applying for quant jobs directly.

Otherwise, keep your coding skills fresh. The language is irrelevant, as the school will push more than one upon you, and industry will push a few others. Explore more complex trading concepts. Find a checklist of prerequisite classes (like linear algebra) and self-study or do an online course (with certificate) in the critical ones.

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