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Macro Strategy career path

Hi thanks for this forum has been really helpful so far. I am looking to get long term into a Macro Strategy fund as an analyst but am not quite sure what steps to take going forward. I graduated with a bachelor from a target in physics, and work at a data provider since two years in New York. I progressed into a role where I get exposure to clients, helping them to price exotics, coding quant models etc. While this is interesting I am not sure if this is a path which can get me closer to my long term goal. I currently have an offer to join the Mfe program at Imperial in London or staying longer at my firm and do i.e a sponsored CQF. Any advice would be much appreciated.
I would like to move to London and work in the city as my family lives there. This didn't apply in the US as I thought UK universities have better ties to UK companies
I don’t think that’s the case. You can easily get a job in the UK after an MFE from the US. The opposite might not be possible.

Plus, I didn’t think the career services are even comparable for the US and the UK universities.

But, the end goal is getting into the dream role. So I guess it’s a safe choice to pursue an MFE in London.

Good luck :)
Hi thanks for this forum has been really helpful so far. I am looking to get long term into a Macro Strategy fund as an analyst but am not quite sure what steps to take going forward. I graduated with a bachelor from a target in physics, and work at a data provider since two years in New York. I progressed into a role where I get exposure to clients, helping them to price exotics, coding quant models etc. While this is interesting I am not sure if this is a path which can get me closer to my long term goal. I currently have an offer to join the Mfe program at Imperial in London or staying longer at my firm and do i.e a sponsored CQF. Any advice would be much appreciated.
If your goal is to work in London, absolutely it makes sense to do an MFE at a top program in London. Given you already have relevant quant-related experience and did your UG in the US, I think career services is not the component of programs you should be placing much emphasis on IMO.