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Manchester Quant Finance

Hi! I start an MSc in Quant Finance at the University of Manchester next month. I am an Aero/Astro & Spacecraft graduate (from Southampton, the UK#2 in Aero and arguably UK#1 in Astro/Spacecraft).

As I did not have thorough statistics in my undergraduate, I did not have the background for pure mathematical finance. Additionally, other Quant courses were simply too expensive.

My question is how is Manchester viewed within the industry, and how can I help turn the tables in my favour if Manchester is a 2nd tier course.

My aim is to reach a Quant Analyst role (I am not interested in the solely research roles).
One of my MSc thesis students at the University of Birmingham (MSc finance) has an Aerodynamic degree. Her thesis with me was very good.
I have a connect request to you on LI .