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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
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MFE Application Guidance

I am planning to apply for Master’s programs in Finance (specifically MSFE or similar programs) for Fall 2026, and I would greatly appreciate any advice on how to further strengthen my profile.

Here are some of the key highlights from my resume:

  • Research Assistant at Samsung Lab, Delhi Technological University: I am currently working on analyzing EEG, EDA, and ECG signals using advanced machine learning techniques to uncover correlations between brain activity and emotional states. I have successfully implemented LSTM models that achieved 85% accuracy in emotion classification and developed CNN models that improved recognition accuracy by 20%. Additionally, I’ve applied signal processing techniques like Fourier Transforms to enhance the signal quality.
  • Internship at Grain Analytics (April 2024 – June 2024): During this internship, I spearheaded the design of a predictive analytics platform using ARIMA and LSTM models to anticipate market trends. I also improved the user experience by reducing data loading times by 40% and contributed to a 15% increase in predictive accuracy for real-time financial data analysis.
  • Internship at HostBooks Limited (December 2023 – February 2024): I developed over 200 dynamic data visualizations using Angular, which improved decision-making speed by 30%. I also optimized SQL queries, reducing execution times by 25%, and integrated a machine learning-based recommendation system for financial reporting automation.
  • Finance Dashboard Project: I engineered a financial dashboard using the MERN stack, integrating TensorFlow-based models for stock market forecasting. This resulted in a 50% improvement in data processing speed and a 25% increase in predictive accuracy.
  • Competitive Programming and Problem Solving: I have solved over 500 data structures and algorithms problems and consistently ranked in the top 10% on platforms like LeetCode. I also ranked 134th out of 25,000+ participants in a CodeChef Starters contest.
Given my background in both machine learning and financial analytics, I’m aiming to build a strong application for top MS programs in Finance. I would love to hear your suggestions on areas where I can improve further or any certifications (such as CFA Level 1, FRM, etc.) that could strengthen my application.

Thank you for your time and any advice you can provide!
Do you have background in maths - (probability theory, calculus, ode, pde, linear algebra). You need these in your transcript.
ML experience will be helpful. Also, try to get either c++ or python experience. Frontend tech is not useful for this field. CFA, FRM are not needed. Get some solid work ex in a ml/software and do good work.
The projects which you have listed though sounds flashy will not help you during interviews if someone goes deep into them. You have listed LSTM multiple times, are you familiar with time series in detail, how did you normalise the time series data for preprocessing for lstm model, why did you choose that way over others, advantages etc.
You get the gist of what I am saying. I am not saying that it's bad if you don't know these things, I am imploring you to learn things in detail. Because every other resume will have 4 ML projects by the time they are in their third year of undergrad. So to differentiate yourself, you need to learn the fundamentals, which is hard but rewarding.
Do you have background in maths - (probability theory, calculus, ode, pde, linear algebra). You need these in your transcript.
ML experience will be helpful. Also, try to get either c++ or python experience. Frontend tech is not useful for this field. CFA, FRM are not needed. Get some solid work ex in a ml/software and do good work.
The projects which you have listed though sounds flashy will not help you during interviews if someone goes deep into them. You have listed LSTM multiple times, are you familiar with time series in detail, how did you normalise the time series data for preprocessing for lstm model, why did you choose that way over others, advantages etc.
You get the gist of what I am saying. I am not saying that it's bad if you don't know these things, I am imploring you to learn things in detail. Because every other resume will have 4 ML projects by the time they are in their third year of undergrad. So to differentiate yourself, you need to learn the fundamentals, which is hard but rewarding.
Hey, I have taken courses like Advanced calculus 1,2,Discrete Mathematics, Probability and Statistics and one or two more in my undergrad, Other than that as I have mentioned I have a lot of experience in c++ problem solving (Leetcode) as we as have completed courses of python, have been using it a lot for ML etc, Do you think 4-5 good quant projects be them using excel or python amd sound knowledge of quant finance gathered by me on my own and showcased using projects will be much better than any certificate courses etc?