Michigan MFE Michigan MFE acceptance and deposit

Hi Michigan MFE offer holders and others,
I have an admit offer from Univ of Michigan MFE for Fall 2011. I haven't responded yet since I'm waiting for other admits. I'm sure most of us are waiting for the final results of all universities.
Incidentally, today I logged in to check the offer and it says that deposit due date is Apr 8.
Have you guys checked the dates? Any one else decided on UMich as final?
Did you pay the deposit amount? Do you have to pay the amount immediately if you choose to accept the offer?
I saw on the tracker that you also get RMFE of Imperial. Why did you choose MFE Michigan over RMFE Imperial ? (Just doubt . I have no information about both of them.)
I received an admit from Michigan on 18th April (by mail).
Where did you checked the offer and the deposit due date (on wolverine?)?

I can not see any such info on my account as of now!!
i have received an admit too from UMich on 18th April. The mail only talks about another mail that will detail the next steps. No mention of deposit due date.
Hi Michigan MFE offer holders and others,
I have an admit offer from Univ of Michigan MFE for Fall 2011. I haven't responded yet since I'm waiting for other admits. I'm sure most of us are waiting for the final results of all universities.
Incidentally, today I logged in to check the offer and it says that deposit due date is Apr 8.
Have you guys checked the dates? Any one else decided on UMich as final?
Did you pay the deposit amount? Do you have to pay the amount immediately if you choose to accept the offer?

I received an offer from UofM in mid-March and on Wolverine right now they say the deadline for paying the $2,000 was March 29. Gail at UofM said that I could still respond after March 29, but I wasn't assured of a spot. The way I take it is that you have to pay the deposit immediately if you want to have them hold your spot. Then later you can decide whether or not to attend. So if you either pay the $2,000 now and be assured of a seat or you gamble and wait for others and you risk the possibility of losing your seat. Which other programs are you waiting on?

I received admission to the University of Illinois - Champaign's (UIUC) MSFE program and I think I will be declining UofM in favor of UIUC. (If anyone wants to make the case for UofM over UIUC, feel free to send me a message either on here or at jasonpberk@yahoo.com as I don't want to go off topic on this thread.

Hope that helped.
@ankit, @suprabhatv,
I got the decision on 30th March. Yes, on wolvarine.
What other programs are you guys waiting to hear from?

I have admits from NCSU Fin Math and Imperial RMFE. Waiting for Rutgers MSMF, GTech QCF and NYU.
If I get into NYU, that will be my final destination. If I don't, I have to still wait for Rutgers and GTech. Adding some more ambiguity to my final decision.
And yes, it's a risk to wait too long on the offer.
Did you get a chance to talk to any one and get first hand information about Mich? In terms of quality of teaching, course assignments, internships etc and reputation of the program in general?
Please share some links and pointers (if they have already been answered somewhere?).
I haven't applied to UIUC.
I just received that same email. I was hoping to stall my decision until I was able to visit UIUC, but I guess that's not happening.
Here's a couple links that I found just by searching for "Michigan" here. Maybe you have seen them already:
The first one is blog (although its 2 years old) of a student in their program. Its quite helpful.
One of my finance professors said that UofM is on the decline. There were a great program, but since the MSFE program ended up being housed in the engineering department, the finance department lost interest in keeping the program "up-to-date". That's not to say they are not a great program and that their reputation is not good, but that's just my professors opinion. He recommeded UIUC to me over them due to that fact and that UIUC is a newer program so they should be very interested in placing their students in order to get a good recommendation.

I've heard rumors on quantnet that UofM's placement was terrible last year, but that's hearsay.
There doesn't seem to be too many people from UofM on quantnet, or at least they don't post too often.

I can't really comment on your other programs. Also, I am not a student there so don't take my word for it. I'm just relaying information I have found/heard.

Hopefully that helps.
I got offers of RMFE and U-M(MSFE) and finally decided to go to U-M.
I heard that lectures of RMFE in Imperial college is recorded, so pretty soon after the first semester,
there is little students in the classes. According to him, it depends on how well you appeal yourself.
The reason I chose U-M is that it is ranked top 10 quant school and I prefer US over UK.
Hope we can see this summer.
Hi @ankit,
I'm not sure about U-M. I asked for a deadline extension and may not get it. I requested the program co-ordinator to put me in touch with an alumni and they refused it quoting security reasons. They do not talk about placements or internship opportunities. I talked to a college senior of mine and he said the program structure is really good and Michigan has good brand name. But internship opportunities aren't that great. Career fairs and there but they come to hire MBAs from Ross. This course in under Rackham. There is a collaboration and you can pick up a few MBA courses if you wish to. Also, students found jobs on their own and had to struggle for a bit to find jobs. He works in Chicago as a trader now.
I requested the program co-ordinator to put me in touch with an alumni and they refused it quoting security reasons. They do not talk about placements or internship opportunities.
This sends all kind of wrong signals. If everything is so great, why don't they want to tell prospective students? If things are really bad, are they intentionally trying to hide from prospective students?
Send me a message and I will put you in touch with a Michigan MFE graduate who is a member on Quantnet.
Hi @Kusu,
Congrats on U-M admit. It's a great place to be. The person I spoke to has very high regard about the program quality and Michigan brand name.I talked to alumni (incidentally both are my UG alumni) and got good reviews about both the programs (IC RMFE and U-M MSFE). Program structure is both places is really good too.
Regarding RMFE, when you said lectures are recorded, what exactly is the duration of these lectures? Can yous share some more information about RMFE? I learned that the program is really rigorous and there were 100% internship opportunities. And, I'm obviously not implying that just because you graduated from an XYZ college, you'll be offered a job automatically. Internship is the first step to get into our dream jobs. Also, location plays an important role here for meeting people, networking, conferences etc. This is the info I got from an MSFE grad.
Thanks a lot @kuberkhan

That was very helpful. I also figured out the same thing about UMich ( talked to a few people). Students do get placed but they have to be very aggressive about it as compared to NY-based colleges. Flexible program. Reputed name. Though it would have been much easier to take a decision, if only information was more readily available.

Where are the alums of UMich (to whom you talked to) now working? And which place are you heading to?..

Hello @Andy

Can you please put me in touch with the Michigan MFE alum, you are talking about in the posts above??

It would be really helpful as I have to make a decision about UMich, soon..

Thanks :)
This sends all kind of wrong signals. If everything is so great, why don't they want to tell prospective students? If things are really bad, are they intentionally trying to hide from prospective students?
Send me a message and I will put you in touch with a Michigan MFE graduate who is a member on Quantnet.

I was refering to the UMich MFE alum in this post (bold). Can you put me in touch with him/her?

I have admits from BU, GaTech and U-M. I was leaning toward U-M because of its reputation and general flexibility. However, like most of you, i have found it impossible to find a lot of information about the program and placements. I just hope I am making the right decision.Any thoughts/advice?

My Profile:
Undergraduate: Major in Computerl Engineering from Mumbai University, India.
Aggregate: 70%
GRE :1470 (Q:800; V:670; AWA:4.0)
No major work experience except for internships
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