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MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

Can someone please thro
Anyone received a thank Fingers crossed that it's not a rejection. All the info I could find from a thread in 2013 indicates that its a waitlist/rejecti
Fingers crossed that it's not a rejection. All the info I could find from a thread in 2013 indicates that its a waitlist/reject
Fingers crossed that it's not a rejection. All the info I could find from a thread in 2013 indicates that its a waitlist/rejection.
Can you send the link to this pls
Can someone please thro

Can you send the link to this pls

Use the advanced search functionality.
I'm going to provide some admission statistics so you guys can put your mind at ease or getting more anxiety. The choice is yours. Once you have your admission interview, just sit back and relax because you did all your part. Getting into MIT is just the beginning of a long journey and a lot of work and effort will be required from you to ensure you get into the job you want.

MIT MFin program is a massive program from a globally recognized university. They have an average of a bit over 2,000 applicants the last 2 years. Each year they will admit about 9-10% of the pool.
Of the class profile, 80-90+% is international applicants and women is less than half of the cohort. Obviously, the class profile will change each year.

To put these into perspective, getting into MIT gives you an instant brand name recognization. You will get to meet lot of smart people there if you take advantage of the opportunity. I know plenty of kids going to MIT (or any school for that matter) and do not socialize outside of their immediate circle throughout their study. It's a huge waste of opportunity.
On the other hand, MIT MFin is a large program which produces 120+ graduates every year. You gotta work much harder to compete with all your classmates and everyone else from MIT or thousands of ambitious graduates to get a job.

You only go to college once so don't stress and enjoy the process everyone.
I'm going to provide some admission statistics so you guys can put your mind at ease or getting more anxiety. The choice is yours. Once you have your admission interview, just sit back and relax because you did all your part. Getting into MIT is just the beginning of a long journey and a lot of work and effort will be required from you to ensure you get into the job you want.

MIT MFin program is a massive program from a globally recognized university. They have an average of a bit over 2,000 applicants the last 2 years. Each year they will admit about 9-10% of the pool.
Of the class profile, 80-90+% is international applicants and women is less than half of the cohort. Obviously, the class profile will change each year.

To put these into perspective, getting into MIT gives you an instant brand name recognization. You will get to meet lot of smart people there if you take advantage of the opportunity. I know plenty of kids going to MIT (or any school for that matter) and do not socialize outside of their immediate circle throughout their study. It's a huge waste of opportunity.
On the other hand, MIT MFin is a large program which produces 120+ graduates every year. You gotta work much harder to compete with all your classmates and everyone else from MIT or thousands of ambitious graduates to get a job.

You only go to college once so don't stress and enjoy the process everyone.
This does put things into perspective, so thank you for that Andy :) It is a highly competitive program, and too many variables go into the outcome of your application.

Life is too short to get worked up over these things. We just have to make the best of wherever we end up!
And don't forget to post your results here guys. It's a tradition we have every year for all the applicants.