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MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

I assume the waitlist process is over given that classes start soon. But did anyone get an update on the portal? I checked and I still don't see anything. figured it didn't hurt to ask the group here
Hi, I was wondering if they have started sending interview invites. Has anyone recieved it yet?
I don't know you guys, but until this morning I had a banner on the application portal page saying "The admission officer is reviewing your application" and now there isn't any more
It used do disappear before as well when u clicked the dismiss button. But it now it has gone for good😂. No idea why.Maybe they finished reviewing
It used do disappear before as well when u clicked the dismiss button. But it now it has gone for good😂. No idea why.Maybe they finished reviewing
I think you are right..Interview invitations should start rolling out next week..