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MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

Got a call Friday at 4pm US EST. 18mo - will request 1 year deferral but will attend if not granted. GL to everyone.
Got the call at 5:40 PM EST today- while watching youtube and eating Chopt salad. Freaked out a little bit on the call, but I don't think Heidi minded all that much :)

Note: Applied to 18 month program, interviewer was Sue Kline
Got the call at 5:40 PM EST today- while watching youtube and eating Chopt salad. Freaked out a little bit on the call, but I don't think Heidi minded all that much :)

Note: Applied to 18 month program, interviewer was Sue Kline
Lol congrats, fam! (and congrats to everyone else). I reckon I'm toast tbh, so I've already begun the process of detaching.
Hey guys,

I just got the call 20 minutes ago from my interviewer (Laura Maloney), 18-month program. Best of luck to all those still waiting, I know the wait is gruelling.
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Hey guys,

I just got the call 20 minutes ago from my interviewer (Laura Maloney), 18-month program. Best of luck to all those still waiting, I know the wait is gruelling. I come from a Canadian University Undergrad if that helps.
Thanks for the update - and Congrats :) !
Hey guys,

Congratulations to the already accepted ones! Anyone from Latam has received a call yet? Thx
Anyone interviewed with Heidi and got accepted yet? It probably does not matter who your interviewer was.