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Msc. Applicable Mathematics LSE jobs?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Luxia
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I got into

London School of Economics Msc. Applicable Mathematics
University College London Msc. Mathematical Modelling
University of Edinburgh Operational Research

I don't know which one to choose. I guess both ones are top ranked, but, which kind of jobs can I get after completing the Msc.?
I already hold a 6-years-long degree in Mathematics from University of Buenos Aires (Argentina), equivalent to a european Msc. in Mathematics.
I don't want to work in Finance, I would prefer Revenue Management, or Energy, Telecommunications or Consulting, but I don't want to work at a Finance related Institution.

Thank you
Why UCL?
Do you have any idea on the job opportunities of any of these msc?
The LSE program is awful. It's a horribly incoherent mix of discrete maths and probability.

The UCL one is true mathematical modelling - differential equations et al.

Edinburgh doesn't really have the brand name you need for the careers you're after.