Newby,Please help !

Hey I'm a communication systems engineering student with a minor in signal processing, Ain shams University,Egypt.

From what i read most programs prefer those with studies in signal processing so here is my question :

*If i graduate with GPA =3.00 ,From an Egyptian university,Which is not Highly ranked.
straight As in signal processing elective courses

*CFA level 1
*3 years experience in IT in telecom field in a Multinational firm with good reputation.

I'm highly proficient with MATLAB ,C++ and C# as well.
Taking my RHCSA (red hat certified system adminstrator) certificate soon. And willing to go forward with the RHCSE (system Engineer).

and now that i have four years to prepare myself before i apply, What advice could u actualy give me???????

Would i stand any chance of being admitted to UCB? or any other high ranking school??
Please I havent slept for so long thinking about this,Appreciate yor help.
Your best course of action would be to participate in one of their online chat, send your resume and see what feedback they will give you to improve your application.
A few programs offer this "evaluate my chance" option, UCB is one of them so take advantage of it.
Since Andy mentioned about "a few programs", I would ask if you can list some other programs that offer that option besides UCB please.

@Omar: How were your math classes' GPA?
Since Andy mentioned about "a few programs", I would ask if you can list some other programs that offer that option besides UCB please.
Any program that conducts online chats would give you feedback on your background. In addition, if you go to an open house in person and talk to the staff there, they will more than happy to discuss your profile.
@ Andy Thank you very much for your help and dedication to answer every post , ill try the Option u gave me.

@kamikade My math classes were as follows:

Caculus I B-
Calculus II B+
Calculus III A
Linear Algebra A
Differential Equations C+
Statistics and probability C+
Numerical Techniques C+
Statistical signal processing A
Image Processing A
Speech Processing A

These are probably the courses related to the field.
And the graduation project will be in the signal processing field.
So what do u think Kamikade?
Note: I'm good at math its just that i didnt study that much back then,however i know i can get High GMAT or GRE scores,competitive ones.
Try to get some experience in finance, this will help you as a foreign student, especially if you have a company in the US that will sponsor your visa after graduation. The schools want to be able to place you in a job in finance quickly, so that they can report their 90%+ job placement statistics year after year.

Many people here would suggest that you try to take classes in: Partial Differential Equations, Stochastic Processes, as well as maybe a couple classes in financial markets or something similar, just to reinforce your perceived "interest" in finance.

I think Andy gives you some great advice, network with admissions officers, let them know that you are truly interested in going to their school, ask them questions about what classes you should take/what you can do to improve your chances of being accepted. During high school I always thought "networking" was bullshit and didn't matter, now in college I'm quickly learning that, if you have a decent GPA, meeting people and getting to know them well is by far the most important thing you can do to advance your career (especially if you didn't go to HarvardPrincetonYale).
@boneil Thank u very much for your advice ,appreciate it.
ill try gettting an internship in a multinational bank before i apply ,by the way the Differential equations course include partial differential equations,and the calculus III and Statistical signal processing are both based on stochatic processes.:)

I'll keep in mind the networking thing,however the VISA sponsor thing is pretty hard to get before i apply since i live in egypt and have no contacts in the u.s.a .
I'll keep in mind the networking thing,however the VISA sponsor thing is pretty hard to get before i apply since i live in egypt and have no contacts in the u.s.a .

You'll probably just use a student visa for your study... sponsorship comes after you graduate
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