Non Central Chi square distribution function

Hi all, I was wondering, what is the best method to calculate the the Non central chi square distribution function?
What do want to 'calculate'?
I want to compute the non central chi square distribution and I was wondering, what was the best method to do this?
From my understanding there are various methods such as gamma series method, analytic approximations etc..
double dof = 3.0;
    double lambda = 1.5;

    boost::math::non_central_chi_squared_distribution<double> myNonCentralChiSquared(dof, lambda);

    cout << "pdf: " << pdf(myNonCentralChiSquared, x) << endl;
    cout << "cdf: " << cdf(myNonCentralChiSquared, x) << endl;

    // Other properties
    cout << "\n***Noncentral Chi^2 Distribution: \n";
    cout << "mean: " << mean(myNonCentralChiSquared) << endl;
    cout << "variance: " << variance(myNonCentralChiSquared) << endl;
    cout << "median: " << median(myNonCentralChiSquared) << endl;
    cout << "mode: " << mode(myNonCentralChiSquared) << endl;
    cout << "kurtosis excess: " << kurtosis_excess(myNonCentralChiSquared) << endl;
    cout << "kurtosis: " << kurtosis(myNonCentralChiSquared) << endl;
    cout << "characteristic function: " << chf(myNonCentralChiSquared, x) << endl;
    cout << "hazard: " << hazard(myNonCentralChiSquared, x) << endl;
Thank you for that,
I think I am a little confused. I think my original question should have been which is the best method to approximate the non central chi square distribution?
Because I am looking for the maths behind it and I have come across many methods etc...

Mathematica and MATLAB both have built in functions, e.g.:

I am guessing you want to generate pdf and/or cdf?
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