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NYU Courant - Mathematics in Finance Master's Program

By looking at the content of the progran you wouldn't need any Math. That's pretty much half the program out of 33 credits.

3 CreditsFinancial Accounting FRE-GY 6003
3 CreditsEconomic Foundations in Finance FRE-GY 6023
3 CreditsQuantitative Methods in Finance FRE-GY 6083
3 CreditsCorporate Finance FRE-GY 6103
3 CreditsFinancial Risk Management and Asset PricingFRE-GY 6123

Does anyone have idea of how non-math background(pure finance with some statistics) people would get access into such a program? Thanks a lot in advance.
kevin - I got admitted to the program with a science major/no coding background, so a major in maths or strong coding background isn't a must by any means (though I am sure it would be very helpful).
Did you have a strong math background and if its not a compulsory pre requisite did you have to make up for it by being exceptional in other things? I am an Engineering student and I have good coding experience but not so much math. Would it be a stretch to think I have a chance?