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NYU student with 100K loan

Yes, student loans will stay with you till you die or pay it off, whichever first.

You can never run from these students loans, but still I talk to people that didn't bother exhausting other options like grants and scholarships, before jumping on the loan bus.
I suppose I am an evil libertarian, but why on earth would you drop 200K on northeastern when you could of gone to a state school? I realize that first generation college students might be a little blinded, but what is the solution? Should there be a government agency that goes to peoples homes and shows them what 200K looks like and says "you are going to have to pay this back"?

Government loans were a great idea. Finally, lower income people could find a way to go to school. Now they have been perverted to a point where people knowingly rack up 6 figure debt and then cry about how the government should forgive their debt.

This is why the government should not do this crap. You try and help and before you know it you get demonized or things become expected. Charity one time becomes entitlements the next. The government needs to end this crap or put 75K caps on how much will be lent.

End of the day you either have personal responsibility or total government control. These half measures are useless. Let people be responsible for their decisions or have the government enforce child raising laws. I honestly could careless at this point since I am in a socio-economic group that won't be bothered with this. I used to believe in common sense or that everyone is basically intelligent, but I cannot believe that anymore. The basic ignorance of humanity shocks me at times.
I have friends paying half of their salaries on student loans, even that it takes around 3 years to pay off. And in Singapore the debt is much more modest compare with what I've seen here.
Aren't Canadian universities much more affordable? If I were an American youngster, that's where I'd be looking. If Sarah Palin can jump the border to get free health care in Canada, I don't see why other Americans can't use the Canadian higher education system ....
I don't understant the logic behind charging 50k a year for an undergraduate...

Someone might correct me here but I think both the U of California system and the New York colleges -- CCNY, Baruch, Hunter, etc., were either free until the 1970s, or had only nominal fees. I saw an interesting film a few years back -- Arguing the World -- about how a generation of Jewish-American intellectuals -- Daniel Bell, Nathan Glazer, Irving Howe, and Irving Kristol -- received a free education at CCNY in the '30s (they were simply too poor to pay anything).