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COMPARE Oxford mathematical And computational finance, asking for advice

nyu tandon mfe
When you have a degree from Oxford, doors will open. Do you have no preference with respect to where you actually want to live? the UK (or Europe) or the US in the immediate future? I think thats an important consideration.
When you have a degree from Oxford, doors will open. Do you have no preference with respect to where you actually want to live? the UK (or Europe) or the US in the immediate future? I think thats an important consideration.
Thanks for your ideas. Actually, I prefer the US. But a degree from Oxford seems to give me more possibility in the future, generally speaking. Usually, people who cannot have H1B in the US will be relocated to London and it is almost no other way around. So here is a delimma. If Oxford, I am grounded here.
Thanks for your ideas. Actually, I prefer the US. But a degree from Oxford seems to give me more possibility in the future, generally speaking. Usually, people who cannot have H1B in the US will be relocated to London and it is almost no other way around. So here is a delimma. If Oxford, I am grounded here.
I’d say go to oxford over any school in the us not ranked in the 7. An Oxford degree carry’s value and I would recommend pursuing it.