COMPARE Oxford MCF vs Columbia MFE/MAFN

Hi I was wondering does anyone have an updated statistics of the most recent class of Oxford MCF? If anyone could give an input, I was wondering how does a program like Oxford MCF different than Columbia MFE/MAFN, since I noticed that Oxford MCF is only 10 months duration where as Columbia MFE/MAFN is around 1.5
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Depends on where you work?
Europe : Oxford's brand - more theoretical and condensed. but rep of Oxford will never go wrong
US: Columbia MFE - IEOR is superb. strong employment rate and career services. extends to MSOR (Fe track, or even for those who become data scientists)

For MAFN, from anecdotes the curriculumn and career have been subpar / employment rates (only 50-60% employed in US after 3 mths for past 2 years). its still columbia but imo its < (v stiff competition) from mfe / possibly msfe or msor (top %) / mba (if s&t). sidenote, their stats prog apparently has a higher placement (?)

** not to forget the UGs from IEOR...
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I agree that the Oxford brand is strong, but I'm not sure what the employment statistic is. I tried to find resources online and look through LinkedIn, but I can't find anyone working in the Quant space. Both schools are great, but I do want to complete a Master's degree that has the highest return on investment.
And theres a huge % of alumni in Quant (trading/research) space for oxford MCF (just did a quick search on Linkedin.... lol)
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