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Preparing for MFE

Hi all,

I am currently a prop trader in Chicago and am interested in pursing a career as a quant. I graduated with only a 3.5 in BS Mech Engineering.

I am 2 years out of college and am thinking of quitting work to get ready to apply to MFE programs. I would realistically only go to the top programs (ideally CMU, NYU, Baruch, Columbia).

I am thinking of doing all the Baruch pre-MFE programs due to my limited programming background and to refresh my math knowledge (been awhile...) and focusing my efforts full time after leaving my current position.

Realistically, given my GPA, major, work experience, and assuming I can get all 4 certificates within a year from now, do I stand a decent shot at getting in anywhere? I don't want to waste 6 months and all the tuition if I don't stand a chance from the get go.