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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
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Preparing for the 2025 placement interviews

Are you or do you know anyone who is starting their internship or summer grad placement in a financial firm soon, or plans to apply for the 2025 placement?

The qaprofession.com course is out there to help planning your career and, quite frankly, prepare for the interviews. It is not about math or programming, but about the job itself, so accessible to a much wider audience. It will be useful for the aspiring quants, but also for (quant) traders, IT, project managers and, of course, general public, interested in the quant profession.

The course is, effectively, a narrated 15-hour presentation, so it easy to learn at your own pace. It will take time to go through it, but there are still 3 months before the 2025 interviews start in the fall across the industry.

The full course is now offered at the *Summer price* of £299, and the special price for students and recent graduates is £149. About 20% of the course is free, and the handout of the free version is available on Amazon.
