I'm working with natural cubic splines and local volatility. I'm reading and using the techniques in Martin Hanke's paper [L=Computation of Local Volatilities from Regularized Dupire Equations]http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=[/L]
With zero dividend we have that the Dupire equation can be written like
u = cubic spline
uT = first derivative of u w.r.t. maturity
uX = first derivative of u w.r.t. strike
uXX = second derivative of u w.r.t. strike
X = strike prices
r = risk free interest rate
sigma(T,X) = local volatility
I have done the Reinsch algorithm etc. and derived everything mentioned above. Then he goes ahead and defines the system
D is a diagonal matrix with the denominator of (1) as its elements
z is the variance
b is a vector of the enumerator of (1)
Hence D should be a diagonal-matrix 100x100
z should be a 100x1 vector.
b should be a 100x1 vector.
This system doesn't guarantee a postivei solution so one needs to regularize it. That system looks like this:
I have 10 strike prices per maturity (10 maturities). In the picture above m = n = 10.
What I don't get is how the left hand side in (3) can be correct w.r.t. dimensions. As mentioned before we have that D^2 is a 100x100 matrix. But L'L is 110x110 (won't show all the steps but if you use that m = n = 10 you will end up with L'L being 110x110).
Would really appreciate some help, I have written everything in matlab and all that is remaining is this last step of the problem.
With zero dividend we have that the Dupire equation can be written like

u = cubic spline
uT = first derivative of u w.r.t. maturity
uX = first derivative of u w.r.t. strike
uXX = second derivative of u w.r.t. strike
X = strike prices
r = risk free interest rate
sigma(T,X) = local volatility
I have done the Reinsch algorithm etc. and derived everything mentioned above. Then he goes ahead and defines the system

D is a diagonal matrix with the denominator of (1) as its elements
z is the variance
b is a vector of the enumerator of (1)
Hence D should be a diagonal-matrix 100x100
z should be a 100x1 vector.
b should be a 100x1 vector.
This system doesn't guarantee a postivei solution so one needs to regularize it. That system looks like this:

I have 10 strike prices per maturity (10 maturities). In the picture above m = n = 10.
What I don't get is how the left hand side in (3) can be correct w.r.t. dimensions. As mentioned before we have that D^2 is a 100x100 matrix. But L'L is 110x110 (won't show all the steps but if you use that m = n = 10 you will end up with L'L being 110x110).
Would really appreciate some help, I have written everything in matlab and all that is remaining is this last step of the problem.