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Profile Evaluation for 2025 MFE

Hi, I'm going to be graduating from undergrad this December and am looking to apply to MFE programs for the Fall of 2025. I would appreciate any input on how to improve my profile.

Education: CS major from T70 school, minor in mathematics and finance
GPA: 3.5
Relevant Coursework:
Math: Calc 2 (B), Discrete Math (C but going to retake), Prob and stats (B), Linear Algebra (A), Stochastic Processes (A), Multivar Calc (going to take)​

Econ: Micro, Macro, Econometrics, International Trade and Finance​

Finance: Accounting, Financial Management, Intermediate Investments, Options and Futures, Financial analytics (going to take)​

Projects: CV ML project, Algorithmic Trading project

Research: Current RA analyzing SEC filings in python, not published yet. Going to do informal research/project with options during my final semester

Experience: 9 months of SE internship experience with C++ at a robotics company, 1 SE internship at a top asset manager, TA for Machine learning class

GRE: Haven’t taken yet

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Any coursework related to numerical analysis? If not, that's one area you can try to cover up before applications. Other than that, the profile looks pretty solid to me.
Nothing directly related to numerical analysis. I'll look into it though. Thanks.