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Profile Evaluation for Fall 2023 intake

Hello to one and all,
I am applying to the following universities with their respective courses for Fall 2023 intake:

University of Oxford, MSc. Mathematical & Computational Finance,
Imperial College London, MSc. Risk Management & Financial Engineering,
London School of Economics, MSc. Statistics (Finance),
University College London, MSc. Computational Finance,
University of Manchester, MSc. Quantitative Finance.

Here is my LinkedIn:

My linkedin profile entails all my grades from 10th grade to my junior year of college & GRE.
And all the relevant coursework, experience, extracurriculars and achievements.
I have solid LORS and I am in the quest for a top SOP.

I would love to hear the community‘s feedback/opinion and connect with you guys on LinkedIn/Forum.
Appreciate it!
Hello to one and all,
I am applying to the following universities with their respective courses for Fall 2023 intake:

University of Oxford, MSc. Mathematical & Computational Finance,
Imperial College London, MSc. Risk Management & Financial Engineering,
London School of Economics, MSc. Statistics (Finance),
University College London, MSc. Computational Finance,
University of Manchester, MSc. Quantitative Finance.

Here is my LinkedIn:

My linkedin profile entails all my grades from 10th grade to my junior year of college & GRE.
And all the relevant coursework, experience, extracurriculars and achievements.
I have solid LORS and I am in the quest for a top SOP.

I would love to hear the community‘s feedback/opinion and connect with you guys on LinkedIn/Forum.
Appreciate it!
Are you planning on retaking the gre?