One has to assume that M and N have at most 3 digits. Becasue M(XOR)N = 110 which has 3-digits.
If M or N has more than 3 digits, then M(XOR)N would have more than 3-digits which is not the case in the question.
If both M and N has less than 3 digits, then M(XOR)N would have less than 3-digits.
Also my contradiction contains only last 2 digits. This means, I am not interested in with higher order digits. The number of digits would not effect contradiction.
Your reasoning is incorrect! There is absolutely NO LOGICAL explanation why M has to be a 3-digit number.
If your reasoning is valid, then the x and y in the following system of equations must be both 1-digit numbers:
It is incorrect to say, as you did above, that
"If M or N has more than 3 digits, then M(XOR)N would have more than 3-digits which is not the case in the question."
Check this out:
M=110101, and N=110101 (i.e., M=N), then M(XOR)N=0. So, is M a 1-digit number?
Do we need to spend so much time on such an obvious situation?
Here's an example that hopefully will be convincing:
Let's consider a different XOR system of equations:
Here's a solution to the system:
M=10100, N=10101.
11*M=111100 and 11*N=111111.
Clearly, M(XOR)N=1 and (11*M)(XOR)(11*N)=11. Neither M nor N has three or fewer digits. Once you have a solution, you can generate infinitely many of them, for example, by adding any number with lots of zeros on the right side, like 100000000000000, to both M and N .
You have to show, not just merely claim, why the other digits have no effect on your proof when you write:
"Also my contradiction contains only last 2 digits. This means, I am not interested in with higher order digits. The number of digits would not effect contradiction."
I have critiqued your assumption that the solution, if any, to the original system must be (at most) a 3-digit number. But to indicate value in your proof, you may want to focus on the last three digits of any possible solution, and argue from there that such a solution cannot exist. That would be just fine! But things get somewhat more complicated because it may not be easy to isolate the effect of the digits other than the last three.
Earlier quantyst wrote:
"In fact,
it turns out that there does exist at least one M that has more than 3 digits. Once you find one, then you can produce infinitely many of them rather easily."
It seems that this statement may be incorrect, in particular, the bold type. But a proof is needed, anyhow.