QUANTNET CONTEST : Brainstorming a slogan

Quantnet is now mature enough that we should take our name branding more seriously. We are in need of a catchy slogan and identity which can set us apart from many other competitors.

We are running a contest where we invite all members to submit their idea of slogans for Quantnet. Here is a chance for everyone to put their creative minds to good use.

Here are some famous slogans

i'm loving it (McDonalds)
The Power of Dreams (Honda)
Don't be evil (Google)
The Best a Man Can Get (Gillette)

I have only one suggestion:

"The Price is Right".

Could refer to the cost/benefit of taking the MFE course, or to the models produced by alumni/ae.
I have only one suggestion:

That's always been your favourite slogan, Alain. I'm sure if I have that slogan up on the page, it will drive out our members in droves. ;)

"The Price is Right".

Could refer to the cost/benefit of taking the MFE course, or to the models produced by alumni/ae.
While QN is the playground of our MFE students, our marketting strategy is to attract more general audience in the coming years. The aim of ours is to be a better blend of Global derivatives and Wilmott. I have to admit "The Price is Right" can be used for many thing we have here, either tuition or the pricing models we do. Unfortunately, it's also the name of a game show so we can't use it. :D
On that same note, we can play to the tune of our website Quant Network
What do you think of the following and many of its variation. I'm sure someone can word them better

Network of future Quants !
On that same note, we can play to the tune of our website Quant Network
What do you think of the following and many of its variation. I'm sure someone can word them better

Network of future Quants !

I like it, maybe even something like the network of choice for future quants(i've heard that somewhere i.e. the network of choice)

Then again network sounds like TV? maybe something like quantnetwork, where future quants meet and model :) ?
slogan- numbers the universal communicator

QuantNet - Making Numbers do the Talking

QuantNet - Exacting Numbers Connect our Members
I like how the Numbers and Members rhythm together ;)

How about some variation of Connecting Members via Numbers

The most important thing about a slogan is that it has to convey the idea and purpose of the website in a short sentence. That's the reason many big coporation hires outside consulting firms to do the slogan for them. This is a serious business so we like to get as many suggestions as possible.
Branding a website, logo is a serious business. I have some professional design firm quoted me $500 for a logo and a slogan or moto. ;)
We'd like to see what our members can come up with first. I'd give it another try

Quantnet : Where Quants Meet
Branding a website, logo is a serious business. I have some professional design firm quoted me $500 for a logo and a slogan or moto. ;)

Why don't we ask marketing students to do this for their project as was discussed during Town Hall meeting last week?
Heres my suggestion, I dont know how professional you want the slogan to be, and what quality of the site you want to express in the slogan its self. If I think of any more I will add.

"Where Mathematics Cashes' In" or "Where Math Pays off"
Thanks for all the creative suggestions.
I believe we'd better leave out any mentions of "money" or "math" since they are either to materialism or nerdy.

Our Quantnet community is all about networking, sharing knowledge among future quants, working professionals.
How about if we vote for some of the suggestions?

I personally like the two
Network of future Quants
Quantnet : Where Quants Meet

We need to have word "Quant" in the slogan and mention "Network".
How about if we vote for some of the suggestions?

I personally like the two
Network of future Quants
Quantnet : Where Quants Meet

We need to have word "Quant" in the slogan and mention "Network".
Agree. Before we vote on any of the two, I'd like to get more inputs from other members. Notice both of those are mine :)

No wonder companies pay thousands to get some catchy moto, slogans.
"The droids you're looking for"

"All about BS"

"Luck is for weaklings"
"Luck is for weaklings. Can we have some, please?"

"Mean squares seek supermartingales.
You enjoy long walks on the beach, drinking wine by moonlight, and going short."

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