Quants love poker?

Maybe not quants in general, but many traders tend to gravitate towards poker...
Let's add one type to quant types: quant developer, quant strategyst, quant trader .... quantitative gambler or quantitative pokerman :)

I read that as quantitative pokemon and thought "how do I catch that?". /facepalm /wrongforum
I read that as quantitative pokemon and thought "how do I catch that?". /facepalm /wrongforum

haha...pokemon. I've seen many poker keen members here, they are so many that a new type of quant would be adequate to be launched. I decided to learn it.
The bible of poker players is Doyle Brunson's Super System. Read through it a couple times and then just begin playing in small Limit games. That's the best way to learn.
I am going to check out the Poker tables at Caesars tomorrow. Hopefully they are good to me like the blackjack tables were the last two days.
I like Poker, but I don't have a good group to play with. Maybe that will change :)
You can learn how the game runs at the .net versions...you won't learn good strategy though, but I guess its a start. It's about the same as playing Zynga poker (I'd imagine).

I might suggest if you're going to play "play money" games...to play limit holdem MTTs. Or MTTs in general. Just because in cash games...NOBODY cares and is blindly shoving money into the pot regardless of hand strength...in MTTs you'll have that to a point but you'll reach a level in the tournament when most of the people left actually care about playing correctly and doing well..at least that how it was waaaaaaaaaaaay back when. That was how I learned how to play and played against some non ridiculous competition.

Also...there are other online sites that haven't been shutdown to U.S. customers if you want to play for real money (and opponents who care).
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