Really basic calculus book

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Please can someone recommend a good (and as elementary/basic a text as possible) calcululs book. Are there particular areas of calculus that are more important than others for someone interested in becoming a quant?

Please can someone recommend a good (and as elementary/basic a text as possible) calcululs book. Are there particular areas of calculus that are more important than others for someone interested in becoming a quant?

How basic? Should it cover topics like differentiation and integration?
I don't think that an elementary book will help you become a good quant. Quants deal with complex mathematics and invent their own models. I would advice a Barnet/Ziegler/Byleen business Calculus. It is very helpful for starters
It takes it's time running through the material :p

I understand. We live in a venal society and the publisher wants to make as large a profit as he can. Forget the fact that carrying the book might contribute to later back problems and understanding the main ideas is likely to be hampered by the number of words, formulas, and diagrams. The same material could be covered in 300-500 pages, easy-peasy.
Agreed, that's why I have the digital download, thus it's only as heavy as my macbook pro :p
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