Rejecting an accepted Intern Offer from IB

  • Thread starter Thread starter Junaid
  • Start date Start date
I need some help with this decision. I accepted an internship at a big Investment Bank(company A) for the summer. However, now I have a another offer from an investment manager(company B) which I would like to take. What would be the consequences of rejecting the offer of company A (the contract states the employment is "at will")? Will it affect my chances of Full-time offers at other big banks or hedge funds(besides company A)?

Thanks for the Help!
Just know that people in company A have friends working with company B, C, D, ....
Also it depends on what is the position in both company. If you think position in A won't lead you anywhere when position in B might lead you somewhere, you should consider. I was in just about the same position as you at the beginning of the year but now I am happy I stayed with the big IB as I am building a really good network...
You will get "at will employment" in this industry. They can terminate you for any or no reason at all.
The usually advice for first job would be to go to a big name, get good training and start networking. The worst thing that can happen is start at a no-name company in a position that leads to no growth.
Wherever you end up, keep in mind that you can't stop learning and do the best of your ability. There is no job security in this industry. Keep the "at will employment" in your head at all time.
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