Request to Administartors /Moderators or whatever...

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First things first I would like to thank everyone from the Quantnet community for helping out many people with their queries.But I have been very dissatisfied the past month or so seeing some of the replies.When people post questions here please understand that they are in need of real help. So please dont bash them with rhetorical questions.All the administrators or moderators tend to post philosophical replies when asked for questions like which university is better or what are the placement statistics.Please be kind to them and post replies relevant to them.If the replier sends a reply saying that "Its not about the ends but the means you chose to achieve these ends" or some other philosophical remark it makes no sense at all.For example in a recent post some person asked this question "Well.. I've recently graduated in EE, been working for about a year now. I have a decent job, decent pay (about 70k), but I feel I can't really thrive in my industry." and some thing about an EE engineering degree. But Im sorry some Mr.Alain posted continuous quesries regarding the persons job.Was it really necessar for him to no about the other persons job He clearly stated that he was not interested in the job why couldnt Mr Alain just reply to the question directly about the pay package and all other stuff.This made me feel reallly reallly bad .A long time ago even I posted a question regarding LSE programs but I never got a reply from any one of the viewers.My question was whether the program was reputable or not (the Math Fin program to be specific) as there was not a lot of discussion about the program on qunatnet..but all I got was only one reply saying they are very reputable .Cant the other administators post some comments or atleast help us out.If you arent doin it ..What is it they are here for?? Im sorry to be sying this but you are not making peoples problems easy but you are making them more difficult..So please try to reply to atleast this message.If not please shut down the forum and sleep..

Thank you
I don't agree that people are being somehow mistreated on the forum. There are many, many threads on what you can expect in this industry, in school, etc. Many people post without showing that they have done any research, and ask questions the indicate as much. I don't recall your specific examples, but we have made an effort to organize the existing information on these forums to make the old information easily accessible. Those places are the search box, the Forum FAQ (see my signature), tags, and just reading the relevant threads.

Furthermore, this forum does not exist solely to give advice on which schools to attend, and that is not its aspiration.

As for your specific query, perhaps the answer is "nobody knows." We're not ignoring you out of spite -- nobody knows of the program, and that is all the information we can give you. Are you suggesting we should go out and research it for you?? They're called Moderators, not Facilitators or Helpful-Question-Answerers because the latter two do not describe their role. (And if that doesn't clue you into their role, please use the dictionary to find out.)

A quick correction: Alain is not an administrator nor a moderator, he's just a dude with a lot of posts. :)
Since this post mentions my name directly, I feel I need to answer. I will probably repeat some of the things that Doug mentioned already but I feel there is a need to do it.

First thing, as Doug said, I'm not a moderator nor an Administrator of the forum. So my posts usually reflect my personal opinion. Also, since I'm older than a lot of people here, I tend to ask a lot of questions to get a frame of mind of what exactly the person asking the questions is looking for. I ask the questions because they help me to give a better answer. I'm an EE major hence, I think I have an idea of what could translate better to Fin Eng from EE. If you think my questions were not satisfying, don't read them nor answer them. It is very simple.

I will repeat this again, we don't know how other schools work nor we have any idea which school is better or worse. We can't help you make a decision either since (at least myself) we don't want to get blamed if you don't like the program you choose or you get blcakballed/lied to/screwed in the process.

Sometimes we give silly answers because it seems that the posters haven't done any research at all, not even Google for it or search for a given topic in QN. I tend not to forgive that because it shows very poor skills.

As for LSE, we really don't know. Is that hard to understand? If we don't say anything is because we probably don't know the answer and we don't want to lie.
I've thought that I obviously get a lot of of questions before I could have a result from them :) And many times, they "guide" me to the answer instead of just "posting it", love that way.
When people post questions here please understand that they are in need of real help.

People who post questions here, please understand that nobody is getting paid for replying. This community exists on voluntarily base. Everyone who answers your question spends personal time to do so. If you are not satisfied with answers, try to repeat your question in different form. If your question is full of words like "gr8, thx..." it means that you don't want to spend a little bit more time typing in proper English. Do you think it will motivate people to spend their time typing an answer?

A long time ago even I posted a question regarding LSE programs but I never got a reply from any one of the viewers.

Your account was registered today and this is your first post on this forum. Do you use multiple accounts? What is a reason for it? This way we cannot go and look at your previous posts including the LSE one you've mentioned.

Im sorry to be sying this but you are not making peoples problems easy but you are making them more difficult.

We are trying our best, but people don't come here with the only goal to make someone's life easy. This is community where we communicate with each other, network, ask for help regarding our work or study. It's very friendly community and your comments look like outliers from the general mood. A lot of people found here answers they were looking for.

Some members ask here questions like: "What should I choose, PhD or MFE?" and give some kind of brief profile. As a result they usually would get replies stating the main differences between PhD and MFE. But you cannot say that we are making their life more difficult because we don't answer question straight. It's not ours decision to make but we are trying to share whatever information we have to make posters decision more educated.
For those of you who saw my posting a lot, I think I've already lost my patience to post for quite a while. Maybe I still think of QuantNet as the small community for Baruch MFE students to discuss homeworks/tools and after work social site, that cozy, small-town style small circle? We are all students, or full-time working alums, come here to meet old pals and friends, or trying to help out current students of their questions.

Forgot from when lots of posts like "please evaluate my profile...", ''which program is better: AAA vs BBB??', "........" -------- I don't know, seriously, I don't know. Nobody would supposed to tell me take a left or right turn at the crossing of my life, and I won't conplain if no. Why you would assume that this is some member-ed / paid website that you can get everything out of it? Please do understand, we do ask questions to well understand your questions, just try to help-----we don't have any interests on your privacy whatsoever, and if you've aksed the questions in a smart way after your due work or research.

(Please smash me heavily if you really want to------in a bad Monday mood now!)
''which program is better: AAA vs BBB??', "........" -------- I don't know, seriously, I don't know.

What do you mean you don't know?
Of course BBB, because it stands for Baruch Baruch Baruch :D
I hate to say it this way, but most of the posts have shown a lack of maturity, emotional intelligence, tact and have generally been very shortsighted.

Shank obviously left a few lines in there that left him open to criticism (e.g. "A long time ago even I posted a question regarding LSE programs but I never got a reply from any one of the viewers") but the general gist of what I assume he was trying to say is, try not to reply in the EXACT same way you all just did! My general opinion of him is someone lacking in "internet forum etiquette". Possibly an older man who doesn't understand that messages can get ignored on forums like this.

I'm not going to go after any responder in particular but I will air an issue I have with chat forums such as this. Why do people get so irritated when posters ask questions that may have been answered before? One would expect that in the year 2009 with all the rapid advances in technology and information access that an answer to a question posted in the year 2008 could possibly and very likely be very different from the answer today?

I mean, as useful as Google and Wikipedia are, doesn't information you get off the internet at the very least have that slight extra bit of credibility when you feel like it's coming from a real person with whom you are communicating with?

I probably spoke too much but please people, for the sake of humanity, learn to be more open-minded.

Why do people get so irritated when posters ask questions that may have been answered before?

When you write the same thing over and over again, perhaps you will understand.

The person who frequents a chat board and responds to those (and these!) types of posts is prone to obsession. They want to increase knowledge in the world, yet the damn world will never learn!
Shank obviously left a few lines in there that left him open to criticism

Well, it's a very moderate way to put it, considering that Shank's first post at this forum which exists many years ends with words: "please shut down the forum and sleep.." At first I was considering giving more strong reply, but then I thought that Shank will probably not show up at this forum again anymore. It looks like he just came here with offensive controversial post and left. I think in the future, moderators should delete similar posts, which full of aggression and lack any useful information.

Why do people get so irritated when posters ask questions that may have been answered before?

It's simple. Because obviously someone who asks this question didn't feel like wasting time on using a search feature which every forum has. Usually those are very basic questions and fully addressed in several topics at the past. If something is not clear in those answers, the question should be explicitly stating which detail needs clarification.

All in all, the person who asks the questions is receiving free information and somebody who answers the question is giving this information. Therefore, it worth to be more polite and patient when asking somebody to make you a favor. Just a common sense.
I hate to say it this way, but most of the posts have shown a lack of maturity, emotional intelligence, tact and have generally been very shortsighted.

Quants and math and physics types generally may or may not have these qualities. Personally I think they're vastly overrated.

Why do people get so irritated when posters ask questions that may have been answered before? One would expect that in the year 2009 with all the rapid advances in technology and information access that an answer to a question posted in the year 2008 could possibly and very likely be very different from the answer today?

The same stupid and senseless questions get asked over and over again: Is Swampwater State better, or Jerkwater State? And even if someone answered that last year, how is anyone supposed to keep tabs on whether it changed this year? Furthermore many of the questions don't have answers, for example, placement stats (which are down in the dumps and hence all the more closely guarded secrets -- Swampwater State is not going to divulge it hasn't been able to place any of its twenty alumni).
Not a new Quantneter

Some people out there have been questioning out my membership with Qunatnet. Ok, i created an account last year and I used the remember password option (using firefox) and I never typed either my username or my password .So it has been a long time that I logged into Quantnet by actually typing in my login name and password and recently i formatted my computer and all thoses saved passwords were lost and I dint remember the mail id I gave earlier is not active anymore So,I am not able to access that account anymore. I think my username was "shanked" but that dint workout or it migt have been that the cfombination dint work(username and password) .So I created a new account and I saw a couple of posts which were the ones I gave below. And I got a bit irritated and posted this thread.

"People who post questions here, please understand that nobody is getting paid for replying. This community exists on voluntarily base. Everyone who answers your question spends personal time to do so. If you are not satisfied with answers, try to repeat your question in different form. If your question is full of words like "gr8, thx..." it means that you don't want to spend a little bit more time typing in proper English. Do you think it will motivate people to spend their time typing an answer? "

What difference does it make if I type gr8 or great.You yourself said that this community exists on a voluntary base.If a person is spending hi personal time to help someone out then he wouldnt care if the reply was great or gr8 . It sounds so childish that you feel that way.And no one types them because they are lazy or they want to piss someone off .I stay online for almost 8 hours a day talking to people and I am used to typing gr8 instead of great.

"We are trying our best, but people don't come here with the only goal to make someone's life easy. This is community where we communicate with each other, network, ask for help regarding our work or study. It's very friendly community and your comments look like outliers from the general mood. A lot of people found here answers they were looking for."

I myself found a zillion answers on this site.But thats not what I was saying ..I was just saying that there are some people who tend to question a lot before replying that tooo philosophical questions.When I first joined this forum I was a bit stupid the sense that I used to post questions like "Please Evaluate my profile" then i realized that this forum doesnt do that kind of a work So I never posted such a question again.But I used to get dumb replies even when I posted other questions.
What difference does it make if I type gr8 or great.

If you receive invitation to a job interview would you reply something like "gr8 dude, thx!"?

However, some people think it's right to be "upset" if someone points them out that this is inappropriate way to communicate here. I understand that some of our "gr8" posters are just finished high school and this is the only way they can communicate. However, many members answering questions here have graduate degrees or PhDs plus decades of work experience in the industry. Therefore, if you want to get their help, do what they say and be thankful. If you want to argue, you are on your own.

Good luck!

(oh, I'm sorry, I should have said gl) :)
What difference does it make if I type gr8 or great.You yourself said that this community exists on a voluntary base.If a person is spending hi personal time to help someone out then he wouldnt care if the reply was great or gr8 . It sounds so childish that you feel that way.And no one types them because they are lazy or they want to piss someone off .I stay online for almost 8 hours a day talking to people and I am used to typing gr8 instead of great.
It makes a huge difference because I really don't know what you are asking if you start writing like that. I'm probably way older than you and I grew up in a place without internet or chatting or IRC. So, I'm unaware of a lot of those short-cuts. Also, it shows lack of professionalism and we would like the members of QN to try to be professional.

...I was just saying that there are some people who tend to question a lot before replying that tooo philosophical questions...
what is exactly wrong with asking a lot of questions? If you want an answer from us, you should be willing to answer any question we ask. Again, there is always a reason for asking.

One last thing, if you ask a question on an Internet forum, you are not ENTITLED to get an answer, so don't get upset if you don't get one. This might sound mean but it's the reality.
What difference does it make if I type gr8 or great.You yourself said that this community exists on a voluntary base.If a person is spending hi personal time to help someone out then he wouldnt care if the reply was great or gr8 . It sounds so childish that you feel that way.And no one types them because they are lazy or they want to piss someone off .I stay online for almost 8 hours a day talking to people and I am used to typing gr8 instead of great.

Yes, "gr8" or 'great' do not make difference for you, or maybe for many people chatting/texting friends. Seeing the growth of QuantNet since 2006, I can say this website really thrived and changed a lot. But how many posts here you can find words like "gr8", ""...? Every online community has its own atmosphere and culture. We just try to make it friendly, comfortable and professional, after all, it's not private site to chit chat with friends only. Recruiters, employers, professors, alum and current students visit here all the time, we just try not to sound like a teenager gathering spot. It's just about showing respect and polite to others when posting here.

I myself found a zillion answers on this site.But thats not what I was saying ..I was just saying that there are some people who tend to question a lot before replying that tooo philosophical questions.When I first joined this forum I was a bit stupid the sense that I used to post questions like "Please Evaluate my profile" then i realized that this forum doesnt do that kind of a work So I never posted such a question again.But I used to get dumb replies even when I posted other questions.[/QUOTE]

I am still looking for a community that can respond to all my questions (stupid or nonsense or whatever) wisely and the way I want it. If you find one, let me know. Many new joiners come with questions, which I believe people here are really nice to help (no matter how dumb the answers you find they are). Many questions themselves are really simply phylosophical-----PHD or MFE, trader or quant, AAA school or BBB school-----everyone has her/his own answer to this kind of question. And if you can find answer easily in any book or simply run some code, the answer won't be philosophical.
Anyone who knows Alain won't have been so offensive for his way to help. He is truly warm-hearted and really wants to help others----ever since we started in Baruch 2006! Indeed, as he said, he asked questions simply wanted to understand what exactly the questioner wanted to know. And I believe most of us know how sincerely he tries to help others.
We are all working full time, come back QuantNet to keep in touch with each other and to check if anyone need help----just like we benefited from QuantNet when we were all students. And please be polite and appreciate what others put their time to do for you.

Guess I really talked too much and made too much dumb and nonsense comments. Sorry!:smt024
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