Retake Linear Algebra or take an Applications of Lin Al course?

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I took Linear Algebra over a year ago, back when I was an engineering major. The class that I took was Linear Algebra for Scientists and Engineers. Going into the final, I was borderline A/B with the knowledge that the final would be strictly practical (the professor said as much). It wasn't. It was pure theory. I ended up with a C in that class.

Now, I'd like to take it over again since I know that I know Linear Algebra better than a C standard but rather than taking that same class, I plan on taking one dedicated to Math majors, Computer Scientists and Physicists (I'm now majoring in Physics). This class would have a bit of theory and a bit of practical math, which is good because I feel like I should know the theory (to put it bluntly, when the professor stated that the exam was purely practical, I only did practical linear algebra problems).

So my question is: should I take what effectively is the same class (with, dammit, the same professor) or should I take a different one that deals with Applications of Linear Algebra? The description is: "[FONT=arial,helvetica][SIZE=-1][FONT=arial,helvetica][SIZE=-1] Various applications of linear algebra: theory of finite games, linear programming, matrix methods as applied to finite Markov chains, random walk, incidence matrices, graphs and directed graphs, networks and transportation problems."

[/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]Essentially, in the eyes of MFE programs, would I be better served to take Linear Algebra over again, have them see that I can do better or take the applications course?
I'm not sure what would be more beneficial in terms of MFE admission, but as far as learning the material, theoretical LA courses are very important. I'd go with the more theoretical LA course, and then opt for a numerical methods/computational linear algebra course instead of "Applications of Linear Algebra" which tends to be more watered down.
I'm asking around regarding the Applications course and it seems that there is a good bit of theory involved. I'll talk to a math adviser to see exactly how much though.
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