Baruch MFE Sad Baruch Story

My Baruch story is quite sad.
I had spoken to Prof. Dan on an online chat, and he had invited me to come to his office for a meeting. I assumed I had made the first cut in the interview process and was quite excited.
After a few weeks, I emailed him in order to finalize a date. I had received another offer and asked if we could meet soon to allow for a well informed decision.
Prof. Dan informed me that he had taken back his offer for a meeting and that I had since been rejected from the program.
I was stunned. I didn't know Baruch was so unprofessional. But, I guess my admissions choices were that much clearer...
I have no recollection of this, but also no reason to doubt that the facts happened as described. We could, of course, go through the transcript of the chat and see exactly what was said, but I see no point in doing this.

All interviews are scheduled via email, not during chats. If I offered to meet with you, you should have followed up right away. By the time you contacted me, I must have received the evaluation of your application from the Admissions Committee, and that must have been negative, so there was little point in meeting anymore.

Good luck in the program you will attend.
My Baruch story is quite sad.
I had spoken to Prof. Dan on an online chat, and he had invited me to come to his office for a meeting. I assumed I had made the first cut in the interview process and was quite excited.
After a few weeks, I emailed him in order to finalize a date. I had received another offer and asked if we could meet soon to allow for a well informed decision.
Prof. Dan informed me that he had taken back his offer for a meeting and that I had since been rejected from the program.
I was stunned. I didn't know Baruch was so unprofessional. But, I guess my admissions choices were that much clearer...

Why did you assume anything? Did Dan specifically say you made the first cut? Why didnt you email Dan right away to arrange the meeting? Good luck in your future endeavors.
Why did you assume anything? Did Dan specifically say you made the first cut? Why didnt you email Dan right away to arrange the meeting? Good luck in your future endeavors.

it is no different in the job interview process, until you see the physical letter of offer, nothing is guaranteed. Agree with Mike, just cannot assume anything, and be more proactive in your approach. Best of the luck with your career and be sure to stick around to share your knowledge with everyone here :)
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