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Save tick data in Excel

Hi All :)

I wanted to import tick by tick(Each Minute) price appearing in a website to my spreadsheet that refreshes every minute i have done that using web query imported to excel now i need your help if i want to save that value which refreshes in every minute in a seprate sheet of the same excel file how could i achieve that in Excel using VBA

Thanks alot:tiphat:
The nice thing about VBA is that Excel will do the first draft for you. Therefore you can accomplish this (and most other automation VBA projects) by

1. Record a macro of you copying and pasting the cells to the location you want, exactly how you want the program to do it.

2. Go into the VBA code and figure out what each line is doing, and make the references relative instead of absolute in the VBA code. (Use the .End property for ranges)

I can't be much more specific without actually doing it for you; I hope this helps.

Once you have the copying code down, grab some timing code off the web so it will copy the data every minute.