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Score evaluation

Hello everyone,
Been lurking in the forums for about a month and just sat the GRE today.
My unofficial result is Q:164 V:165 (and I suppose that AWA is going to be 5+, not that it matters much)
To be honest, I am a bit disappointed by my Quant score since I thought I did great and expected at least 2-3 points more.
More about me - going to start my senior year in a liberal arts college that is located in Bulgaria, but is accredited in the USA and gives me a US diploma (American University in Bulgaria) and I am very likely to have a CGPA of above 3.9 (probably around 3.93). Major in Economics, minor in Math.
Econ courses that might be relevant:
Econometrics, Time Series Analysis - both are As
Math courses that might be relevant
Calc 1,2,3, Intro to Differential Equations, Mathematical Statistics

I am not quite sure if my quant score would let me get accepted into some of the better MFE schools ( I think it would be nearly impossible to get into the very top ones) and thus I am not quite sure what my course of action should be.

Any sort of advice would be greatly appreciated.