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Seeking advice for career change

@Andy Nguyen: Really appreciate all your posts on quantnet. They are very informative. You are very knowlegebale in this field. I was wondering if you could provide some advice for me. I really appreciate it.

A little background about myself:

I studied Accounting and finance in College. I am currently working at a big four acctg firm. Just got a CPA and should be getting CFA soon. However, I think my job is not very technical. Eventually I want to work in Hong Kong. The skills I learn at my job is not very transferrable because of the differences in M&A market between US and Asia.

I am looking to switch into quant fin. I want to apply for a MFE program as a starting point. I have some questions on selecting the MFE program.

1 Is there anyone in the same situation trying to switch from buisness to quant? How do I stack up against all the math genius/phds in this field? Is it a little late to make the switch?
2 Is MFE good for getting a job at global macro hedge fund, like soros, Moore?
3 I have heard MFE is mostly sell-side oriented. What are some good opportunities for buy side like hedge fund?

Any advice and suggestions will be much appreciated.