So I created this software...

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Now we're quoting Gandhi? Gandhi was a racist nutter who slept in a bed with two virgins to test his virtue and who praised Hitler as "really not as bad as you're portrayed to be".

Finally, learn how compounding interest works, understand that no one is going to buy a system that "may or may not work at some point in the future, based off my month-long demo over a sample size of 12", and know that this is the last comment I have on the matter.

Good luck.
daleholborow, everybody has good side and bad side. I didn't mention Gandhi as a role model here. I just mentioned one of his quote. I think that quote itself is a great virtue
Ian R. , are you currently trading using your system? If not, you don't you put it to use while you are finding potential buyer (if you still want it).
Since you are eager to give you sauce out, this is great. If you want, send me the code so I can test it for couple of weeks and I will have some people lined up.

No big bank will put a dime on anything without first giving it a trial run and by that time your sauce is not going to be secret anymore.

I have about a month worth of data. About 13 live trades. I am finishing in a few weeks my trial and will create a report. You are probably right that this is something that needs to be not only auditable but can also be duplicated.

First rule is to doubt, always doubt... But seeing 13 out of 12 trades being positive is something that would be very improbable through random trading.

I would need to do both i.e stocks selected at random and through the sauce... with a good statistical analysis.
Ian R. , are you currently trading using your system? If not, you don't you put it to use while you are finding potential buyer (if you still want it).

Yes started since January, initially with a small amount. So far I am playing with a few K and whatever I can save :)
Nice, it's been 3 month. I hope, you will have good profit now. Even if you couldn't find potential buyer, find a credible firm and have them audit your account. You can use it for many things in future (including strike out your won)-great sales pitch. It is seems like win win game for you.
Best of luck.
Nice, it's been 3 month. I hope, you will have good profit now. Even if you couldn't find potential buyer, find a credible firm and have them audit your account. You can use it for many things in future (including strike out your won)-great sales pitch. It is seems like win win game for you.
Best of luck.

Most likely this too... most approachable are small firms that can give to something completely left field like what I created a shot. I would also favor a gradual increase in the volume of the trades I am doing.

But the problem is even they are hard to approach sometimes.
Ha! I don't know. After we got off the phone with him we were laughing hysterically in the office. He was on speaker phone and truly believed every word he was saying.
Ha! I don't know. After we got off the phone with him we were laughing hysterically in the office. He was on speaker phone and truly believed every word he was saying.

make sure, he is not on forbes list:ROFLMAO:
You claim it works, but have traded only 13 times? I can do 13 trades tomorrow and get 12 winners, no problem, I could also do 13 trades on Monday and lose 12.
A prop trader on the other hand would love to see your trading strategy, but I never really understood what prop trading was? prop trading to me is like glorified gambling, like a stock broker is a glorified telesales agent.
The only thing that can fit into the definition of prop is when somebody trades using his own or his firm's own money instead of using customer money (i.e. acting on agency capacity). Nothing more than that should be implied using that term alone.
The only thing that can fit into the definition of prop is when somebody trades using his own or his firm's own money instead of using customer money (i.e. acting on agency capacity). Nothing more than that should be implied using that term alone.

Yes you are correct, and I was being ignorant and generalizing, labeling all prop traders the same.

If prop trading is just technical analysis using empirical price data to make predictions then we have entered the casino. If there is some kind of fundamental analysis going on and some kind of portfolio construction occurring then no its not gambling.
what do you mean? the guy has some trading system and has got a bit ahead of himself, it will do him no harm to get told this and others who search and find this thread.

I just want objective opinions and see how it compares to other products in the market. Remember that ad from e*trade saying "If your stockbroker is so good... why does he still have to go to a 9-5 job?"

Likewise I see some products to help predictions out there... but wouldn't they be NOT SOLD if they were actually worth something? And frankly I am not interested in such petty selling of stuff that can truly kick ass if I get to prove its worth.

I am doing a very torough examination and so far 30% is the figure I get. Might be erroneous maybe so I want suggestions for a better analysis and also interest from actual investment firms to try this out

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