What % of budget is Skype? Overhead?
Well, larger than I wished they to be but still manageable.
At the beginning it was really a bottleneck but we analyzed the way we communicate and radically improved its efficiency.
A potential problem is that IT/CS folks tend to have difficulty with the maths end of the project, thus slowing it up.
Unless they are working on GUI/DB.
This is exactly what she does (well, I did DB myself because it was easier than to explain her about tickers, ISINs, OHLC prices and so on).
And as to math, I also found two probabilists (in Ukraine and Belarus).
(BTW, it is really hard to find an inexpensive programmer (or sailor) in Ukraine, but as to other jobs, €100 is a mean monthly salary).
Their ability to research the market on their own is (so far) limited, but if I state them a more or less pure mathematical problem they can solve it better than me, myself. In particular, one of them has found a very promising method to detect the market reversal points, we are currently backtesting it exhaustively.
Of course, such constellation requires a person like me, who knows both IT (in particular web technologies), math, financial markets and last but not least has a soft skills to manage the team. But once there is such person, the offshore development does work!
(+ of course an xx% share in project).
Sounds logical. Otherwise why work for the scrawny wages??

feed them peanuts and you'll get monkeys.
Or offer an interesting job and fair participation in profits and you get good people.
BTW, one of the mathematicians I work with worked for Alexander Sokol (I am sure you know who Sokol is).
But if I had insisted on the "obsolete" technology, her motivation would deteriorate.
Let's say you get a mega project to update a VC++ 6.0 app to VS2015? What do you do?
Sorry, cannot make out what do you mean with this question.
BTW what is your hourly rate?
"Ladies do not answer such questions because gentlemen do not ask them. "
Meri Poppins
And my contract prohibits disclosing this info, so let's put it so: there is no such thing as MY hourly rate. There is a MARKET rate (which is a range, not a single number). With an exception of my first job after the graduation I was always above average but never on top because in Germany the have a socialism and are not used to reward top specialists with top salaries.That's why top guys and gals often move to Switzerland. I had no such opportunity before but now I do have it and I will make use of it.
// You probably missed the internet boom end 90's those were the big days for developers and consultants.
I remember it very well (I started earning with webprogramming in 1998)
However, those were big days for the developers in the 1st world countries only.
I was a good developer but first of all I was a Russian guy and it was hard to get contracts from abroad even for a ridiculous rate.