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Survival rates


Math Student
So I'm writing code (in C++) for calculating the joint probability of default between two entities using the Gaussian Copula method (not for school or work - just to improve my C++ skills and to gain a better understanding of default risk, etc).

I've been successful in implementing the copula, but I have a question regarding the inputs for the marginal probabilities. Is it correct to compute the survival rates (from 0 to t) as follows,

(S(t)=e^{-\int_{0}^{t}\lambda (t)dt}\)

for both entities, where (\lambda \) is the default intensity, and then use that as the marginal probabilities for the Gaussian Copula?
sure, you can use the discrete form of
S(t) = exp(- SigmaSum( lambda(t).dt)), and specify the lambda(t) for each discrete time period.