Trading Books

If anyone is like me, they have some finished books that won't be read anymore. I want to start a thread where people can connect to trade books. At the moment I have:

Liar's Poker - Michael Lewis - this one shows all the antics and craziness in 1980's Solomon Brothers
When Genius Failed - Roger Lowenstein - a history of LTCM, the hedge fund that's infamous for almost halting financial markets with it's losses
Confessions of a Street Addict - Jim Cramer - this book proves that Jim Cramer really is insane

I know these are pretty common books, but if you haven't read them yet I highly suggest that you do. Anybody else have books to offer?

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Books I'm looking for: Random Walk Down Wall Street, books by Milan Kundera or ones you think I would like given I like his writing

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I also think it's a good idea to post your Wishlist too so we can match offers better.
Books do not have to be finance-related,

I have a bunch of Dave Barry books. I will post the list of other books available to trade shortly.
There's a new book by Curtis M. Faith: "Way of the Turtle"


Seems to be a good/easy read.
I also think it's a good idea to post your Wishlist too so we can match offers better.
Books do not have to be finance-related,

I have a bunch of Dave Barry books. I will post the list of other books available to trade shortly.

I like this idea! But may I also suggest that when you try to trade/sell a book, could you highlight a few points to tell us why you think it's a worth-reading book?

I'd personally appreciate this...

If Possible can we propose these books to be bought for Quantnet library. We can start enriching the library.
My Wishlist will be any book written by Michael Lewis. Starting with Liar's Poker, I found his writing style straight to the point with a good sense humor and self-mockery which is hard to find these days.
I am also now looking for the book "Hot Commodities" by Jim Rogers. Does anyone have this up for trade?
I have Working the Street and have read it twice. The first when i borrowed it from Max and the second when I bought the book. I highly recommend it for someone who new to Wall street and wants to have a picture of where everything is. You'll learn what traders, quants, investment bankers, risk managers, etc ... do and how they fit into the bottom line of a firm. Hopefully, you will have some idea what role you want to be in and why.

Thin book and very easy to read.

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I'm looking for this book Trading Commodities and Financial Future: A Step by Step Guide to Mastering the Markets. and this book
Commodities and Commodity Derivatives : Modelling and Pricing for Agriculturals, Metals and Energy

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Does anybody have a copy of the textbook 'Advanced Calculus (3rd edition)' by Taylor & Mann that they would be willing to sell or trade?
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