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University of California, Berkeley - Master of Financial Engineering

UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Results Discussion

Of course:

Industrial Engineer from a Latin American University
CFA Charterholder
6 years of experience in pricing financial instruments
After two interviews. I got admitted into UCB. Good luck to everyone else. Any group for admitted students,yet?
Nope.. Its been more than 2 weeks since my first interview but I havent heard anything.. from d round 1 thread, it appears 3 weeks is a normal waiting period so probably we shud hear smthn next week
I'm just beyond 3 now so I'm hoping we hear soon. I've got an offer from another school already and don't want to miss out.
Thank you! I'm excited! Francesca told me official emails would be going out soon over the phone today. The deadline is May 15th (tuesday) according to their website so I guess this isn't super secret.
On second thoughts I guess u r talkn about ucla again.. I din apply there so I ws unaware of their dates n got confused.. Ah!thts my desperation for ucb !:P
Put on hold. WTF this is no different than rejected:mad:.. Do they reject anyone or not?Or just place people on hold with a list of to-dos and still no guarantee?