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University of California, Berkeley - Master of Financial Engineering

UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Results Discussion

on the tracker, I see a 40-60 days after submission window for admission or rejection. But I guess if you ask for early decision, it is different
how does one receive a decision - admit or reject? Is the decision posted on your account through a status change? I understand that admits are usually given out by way of an interview with Linda.
they don't always receive the phone call.
From what I have understood, your application status is updated on admit/reject/hold or waitlist on the application website, and you receive a notification email.
Hey pierrealex, congratulations on your admission..just saw it on the tracker..

Did you have the other 2 interviews on the same day / one after the other? With the admissions staff and with Linda? Any admit conditions?
Hi, thx
I had the first interview in June, it was a technical one with an alumnus. Second one was with a staff member a couple weeks after and third one with Linda, almost a month after the second one.
The admit conditions are classical: preprogram courses, books to read and do some programming on my own
Hi, All
I am asked to successfully complete a course in Econometrics as one of the admit conditions. May I know if anyone else is in similar situation? I currently work full-time and not sure how to fullfil this criteria? Any idea? Thx.
You should look if a course exists on coursera for example, or on other online learning platforms.
You could also ask directly Berkeley if they don't know any. It is probably not the first time this condition has been given.
Hi, pierrealex
Thx for your reply. They said Coursera courses are not accepted. I am still waiting for response from them...
Hey, has anyone received an invitation for interview from UCB MFE? I have applied in october 15th and I haven't received yet.