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University of California, Berkeley - Master of Financial Engineering

UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Results Discussion

Just saw a guy post on tracker that he interviewed with UCB. Anyone here on the thread received an invite?
I received an invite for Monday. It's with an Alumni.

The day before I got the invite the admissions team asked me to send additional documents I didn't provide in my application (course certificates). So I could imagine that since they already had my file open for administrative purposes they went ahead and scheduled the interview. I don't believe all interview invites have been sent out yet (last year most round 1 trackers got an interview).
I received an invite for Monday. It's with an Alumni.

The day before I got the invite the admissions team asked me to send additional documents I didn't provide in my application (course certificates). So I could imagine that since they already had my file open for administrative purposes they went ahead and scheduled the interview. I don't believe all interview invites have been sent out yet (last year most round 1 trackers got an interview).

hey, how was your interview? What was it primarily about?
how do they send out invites? calls or emails?

It should be email, although I've seen one person in past threads who claims he/she was cold called by Linda for the second interview.

hey, how was your interview? What was it primarily about?

It went OK I think, thanks for asking. Basically it was a half hour long technical interview covering basic probability, finance, regression, time series analysis and programming. It was very relaxed in the sense that the interviewer made sure I would only answer the questions and topics I felt comfortable answering. Concerning the programming part, the interviewer first asked me about my proficiency in all my languages and then proceeded to focus on my strongest one (python).
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