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University of California, Berkeley - Master of Financial Engineering

UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Results Discussion

I had one interview with an alumno. I had 2 probability questions ( first one about pdf and cdf, second one expected # trials to get 2 consecutive heads with a coin) and then he went through my curriculum and asked questions related to it. Overall I believe I could have done better, I did some silly gaffes because I was not expecting such cv-related questions for me because I'm from economics undergrad and I was not expecting macroeconomics stuff. I had no follow up as well.
I didn’t, the others I spoke to didn’t as well!
Did anybody hear back from them post the interviews in the second week of Feb?
I have not received any emails from them since the interview. It looks like two people have received acceptances in the tracker however, so maybe they asked for an early decision and it was granted?
I have not received any emails from them since the interview. It looks like two people have received acceptances in the tracker however, so maybe they asked for an early decision and it was granted?

One of the two people you are talking about applied in October 2019. It seems only one person has got acceptance till now based on information posted on tracker.
The application portal has been updated for me and now shows a preparation checklist specific to me (however still have not received an email or if I'm actually in)
Hello, I have also received a prepration checklist in my portal. However it is now where mentioned in the portal that sucessful completion of this material will grant me admission. I think they are in process of updating portal and giving out result.
Hello, I have also received a prepration checklist in my portal. However it is now where mentioned in the portal that sucessful completion of this material will grant me admission. I think they are in process of updating portal and giving out result.
Did you apply before the round 1 deadline? I also got interviewed but that was only a few weeks ago.
I appiled before round 1 deadline. I had my interview at the start of this month. So I belive yours would be definetely prior to me.
That's interesting. I applied for round 2, but it seems I got interviewed earlier than you. Fingers crossed for good news. Good luck!