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University of California, Berkeley - Master of Financial Engineering

UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Results Discussion

I also got recommendation to graduate division for admission and an option to accept the recommendation (which is meant to reserve the spot as per the portal). An official admission letter will follow post approval from the Graduate Division(again as per the portal).
I also got recommendation to graduate division for admission and an option to accept the recommendation (which is meant to reserve the spot as per the portal). An official admission letter will follow post approval from the Graduate Division(again as per the portal).
Congratulations @anonysolmon! Moving forward, how would you know if the checklist is considered “done”?
Hey Guys,
I am very happy share that I got positive response from admission committee for recommendation to the program today. Thanks for all the threads here which kept giving me hope to wait (else I would have been hopeless since it’s already close to R2 and I didn’t hear back). As FYI I also got a lot of checklist to complete:
1. Numerical Analysis
2. PDE
3. Macroeconomics
4. Python
5. Finance
6. Pre-program courses
7. Recommended Books
What books? I'd love to see what they recommend.
Congratulations @anonysolmon! Moving forward, how would you know if the checklist is considered “done”?
Thanks!! On their(Univ) website they have mentioned approved list of courses, My plan is to finish them, upload the certificate and if there are any concerns hope they would reach out.
What books? I'd love to see what they recommend.
It’s a list of books mentioned on their website. Please check it there.
Hi, for the fellows that got accepted, I’m wondering if you have scholarships? I remembered there was a form for scholarship at the time of application but i didn’t submit it. I knew someone who got scholarship, not sure if it is related to this. Thanks!
I was interviewed on last Thursday,8 weeks since I submitted my application. On my portal, the preperation list is empty. is it time that I consider it as a reject?
Hey Guys,
I am very happy share that I got positive response from admission committee for recommendation to the program today. Thanks for all the threads here which kept giving me hope to wait (else I would have been hopeless since it’s already close to R2 and I didn’t hear back). As FYI I also got a lot of checklist to complete:
1. Numerical Analysis
2. PDE
3. Macroeconomics
4. Python
5. Finance
6. Pre-program courses
7. Recommended Books
Hey Congrats !! Just wanted to know, is the acceptance conditional on whether you complete the checklist by some date?
To everyone who has been waitlisted, may I please check with you whether you have received an invite from the admissions team for a 2nd interview?

I haven't heard back from them, but I have learned from an alumnus recently that a 2nd interview might be a sign that they are reconsidering your application.

Please share with us any updates you might have, thanks!!