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UCB MFE waitlist for 2020 with recommendation for ad in 2021

I just received UCB MFE's reply. I was put in the waitlist and told to be recommended for Spring 2021 ad.

I have no problem to wait for another year, but very confused by how this delayed admission works?

Does it mean I am offered a guaranteed admission for 2021 admission as long as I complete all the prerequisites? But they also ask me to reapply in Dec.2019, pay the application fee and write an essay again, which makes me feel so weird.

Therefore, Could anyone educate me how this "delayed admission" works and any risks associated with it? Is it really a guaranteed offer as long as I complete all of their prerequisites? or it is something else? I emailed the admission council about how it works but their explanation is so vague.

I really appreciate it if someone can tell me more about it.
Many people face the same situation. You should email the school and ask for more info.
Hey Anthony, wondering if you were successful in your admission eventually? Have just got offered the same conditions from UCB...