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UChicago FinMath 2025 Advice

I have a really strong interest in the 2025 UChicago FinMath program and looking for realistic feedback on how much of a pipedream this is for me, and what I can do to improve

- Industrial engineering major at a top 5/10 undergrad engineering school (I am from chicagoland area)
- My major courses/experiences have taught me basic coding mainly with Python and math up to lin alg/dif eq
- 3.5 GPA (Won't change much with 2 semesters left)
- Summer internship (+ last summer) working at an exchange (not super technical, but lots of market research involved)
- Taking an intro financial engineering course at my university this summer (includes a course long project) + Commodity Price Analysis course next sem
- Small arbitrage sports betting project I am working on this summer

Any advice/feedback is appreciated!
You will need Linear Algebra, Multi-variable calculus, Differential Equations and Probability Theory in your course work.
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