I have been accepted to all three. I have visited all three a number of times and I am currently of the state of mind that CGU>USC>UCLA. UCLA MFE is pretty new and it shows. It is a year long with a summer internship, which essentially makes it a 9 month program. This seems way too short for any sort of graduate degree. Also, it didn't seem very organized at all. USC MFE has a nice curriculum but I find it strange that its in the school of engineering. In my eyes, this is both good and bad. Bad for obvious reasons, its in the school of engineering which clearly doesn't have much to do with the finance side of things. Good because its in one of the best schools of engineering in the country and it certainly wouldn't hurt the resume to have a degree from their. CGU MFE seems to be the most solid out of the bunch. I was hoping to maybe get some more insight from people to help with this decision. Appreciate any feed back. Thanks much