Judging by the information provided on the respective university's site , and going by the general reputation of the University's various programs , and also given your preference for Finance , you'd be better off opting for the UCLA program.
Keep the USC program out of your choices , as it's an average program in an average school and doesn't hold a candle to the other 2 .
Why not Insead MBA ?
-> Insead MBA is a brand that works well in Europe , and in some parts of Asia . It isn't as well known as UCLA or USC herein .
-> Insead MBA recruitment is dominated by consulting firms (43 % vs 15% for "Financial Services" firms)
Why not USC ?
-> Offered by Viterbi School of Engineering , which is NOT KNOWN AT ALL for fintech education .
-> Much lower career prospects when compared to the other 2 candidate universities due to the above and also the fact that USC Viterbi is an average 3rd tier engineering school .
Why UCLA ?
-> Program ranked #12 here on Quantnet vs 28 for USC :P
-> You'll be studying FinTech from the best possible faculty out of these 3 options .
-> Academically rigorous environment . Stellar student:faculty ration of 3:1
-> Base salary on graduation is in the same bracket as an average B-School [ quoted as 100k ] .
-> MFE is offered by their B-School , which has a good reputation in USA , and is also somewhat well known abroad . Hence a higher visibility out of the 2 USA schools + better career prospects .
-> Bay Area has massive number of firms dealing with all kind of sub-domains of Finance . Your networking options would be way higher here . All the major finance firms operating in USA would be open to you with a strong degree like a UCLA MFE .
There is also another aspect of the Insead MBA that you should remember : Currently that program sees ~1003 graduates every year . 15% work for Financial Services firms . That means 150 odd people going to F.S firms .
Since both campuses are located in Singapore and Paris , neither of which is known for a great FinTech sector like what you'd see in California or New York , you'd have to network quite a lot to make a transition to your preferred firms .
Therefore you should opt for : UCLA , INSEAD .
Forget about USC .
References :
1) Official source for INSEAD 2014-15 Salary report :
2) UCLA MFE Homepage :
Master of Financial Engineering | UCLA Anderson School of Management