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UK MFE programs enquiries

Dear all,

I got MSc Fin Math / MFE offers from the following universities in UK:

1. Birkbeck College, University of London - MSc Financial Engineering
2. University of Leicester - MSc Financial Mathematics and Computation
3. University of Essex - MSc Computational Finance
4. University of York - MSc Statistics and Computational Finance

But I am still thinking which one to pick....Obviously Birkbeck and York are better deals but I am now somehow indifferent between the two......
May I have some advices by you guys on this?

Million thanks!

My vote is with number 1 on the basis of its repute but I would like to add that I don't have in-depth knowledge about any of these programs (recruitment, selectivity, placement). I hope you don't mind my opinion.

I also wanted to inquire about your views regarding the Oxford MSc in Financial Economics if you have any? Thanks.
I personally prefers Birkbeck and York, may you guys share your opinions about which one to take?

Million thanks.