Undergraduate Courses Selecting

Hi everyone, I'm new here.
I'm now a sophomore (international student) and I'm planning to pursue math in finance (FE) in grad school. I've read a lot of posts in this forum about what math course to choose. By now, I knew what I need to complete is listed as below:
linear algebra
probability (calc based)
numerical analysis
stochastic processes

I'm gonna ask: what else? And if any above is not necessary or not strongly recommend, please point it out. If there's a link to somewhere else that has a very similar topic, I'll appreciate any of you guys give me the link. I think course selecting and the grade (GPA) will be very important, so please help!
What happens to programming course? You don't want to ignore programming courses which may be the deciding factor on which program you can get into and ultimately if you can get a job quickly.

C++, SQL, VBA are if not more important when you are at your job than linear algebra will ever do.
Thanks for your reply, Andy.
Sorry that I didn't highlight the word "math"--what I'm curious about is the 'should take' math courses, do you think my list is enough or not? I'm thinking about an extra grad-level course named "Analysis" which include real analysis/measure theory and functional analysis.
I do know that programming is a very basic and essential skill that an applicant should have. Unfortunately, seems like my university doesn't have any C++ course, however, it offers java courses and an introductory VBA course. I guess that's another problem. (However, after taking java courses it might be easier to learn C++)
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