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University of Oslo

Do you guys have any thoughts for University of Oslo for Master of Science in Modeling and Data Analysis
last I remember, BBW's advice on Norway was that Swedish Universities are considered better. But I don't think anyone here has any idea to be quite honest. I'd be a little weary of going to learn financial math from a place where derivatives are de facto illegal...
I don't know anything about this particular program. The math department people told me the master's courses are taught in Norwegian, so a particular language expertise has to be demonstrated, whereas there's no language requirement for PhD students. So if this course is in the math department and is being taught in English it will be news to me. For science and engineering, Norway's premier school is the NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) in Trondheim, somewhat to the north. Swedish universities are better known -- I'm not sure it's because of any quality difference.

I personally adore Norway. But it's fiendishly expensive and even Norwegians with their high salaries find it expensive. And in winter in Oslo, the sun rises at 9:10am and sets at 3:05pm; in Trondheim it rises at 10:30am and sets before 2:00pm. The nights are long and there's not much to do in Oslo (and even less outside). Also a point that holds for most of Europe: unless you're a European citizen you are very unlikely to get work authorisation after you finish with school.